Write that shit, Bitch – and other musings.

I have spent most my day reading. I really believe it helps inspire me to want to write more. I read in one book that the character used to spend four hours a day writing. I suppose if I begin timing myself I could really spend as much time as possible perfecting my vocabulary and my writing skills. I could also take online writing classes. My wife has encouraged me often to write. I feel that my best writing always came from moments of sadness, depression, or let’s be real – when I have had a few drinks. I used to always think when I was younger how the best artists were the addicts, addicts of any sort. I felt that addicts or artists for that matter required a certain amount of sadness, despair, and creativity that comes in these moments to really produce something beautiful. I have gathered as I have aged, that maybe some people just have a gift and aren’t snorting a line of cocaine or taking some LSD before they produce beautiful art. Maybe I was meant to live in the 60’s and 70’s, who knows. I also find that writing is hard for me because my brain jumps to so many different topics as I write. I used to have a youtube vlog where I would make videos of myself speaking on different topics. It became mildly successful at the time, with a mere 1500 followers when youtube first became relevant. This was back when youtube had several youbtube vloggers and we would make our own videos AND reply to eachothers videos. Those of us who lived close enough would make collab videos or make them via the web. I remember being thrilled to come home from work, or being out with friends to make a vlog.  Sometimes I would do this several times a day. I believe maybe vlogging was easier for me because then I could just talk and let it all flow out without being distracted or having thoughts in the middle. I’ve ALWAYS for as long as I remember wanted to be a writer, or an interior designer. However, one must finish highschool to do interior design AND you apparently have to be able to draw- which I am horrible at. I also didn’t finish highschool if you did not pick up on that. I have always had a desire to connect, to create, to make something beautiful. I didn’t have a super colorful life with lots of stories to write about. I’ve never been through mass amounts of sad situations or interesting ones. I have just been myself and although I am sure I have something interesting to say I have never quite found the way to do so.

So. I am going to try writing an hour a day each day. I am going to put away my phone and all distractions. I am going to write about anything and everything – or nothing. I will just write till I am blue, or I will just write blah blah blah over and over again until something strikes me. I hope to be completely open and honest. I hope to spill my brain onto my blog with as many posts or one long post as I can. I hope you will all encourage, constructively criticize and give me lots of tips. I want to take advantage of the time I have been given to pursue my dreams, to make my dreams come true.

I mean it. Until next time…